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207 results found (21 pages)
With the market crashing last year, and remaining highly depressed this year, Buffett once again has opportunities to make 10%-15%. And that's in bonds and preferred stock.

DailyWealth | February 26, 2009
Have you tried to buy gold coins or bars in the last few months? If so, you already have a good idea of the "distortion" I'm going to tell you about today.
DailyWealth | February 19, 2009
Investors who know what they're doing will recognize the secret as soon as they hear it. But I bet if you try to tell your friends about this secret, they won't get it (and they'll continue to get killed in the stock market).
DailyWealth | January 15, 2009
So... how do you prevent yourself from becoming one of the "victimized unconvinced"? How do you get that awesome feeling of certainty buying stocks when the S&P 500 continues to make new lows, as it did about two weeks ago?
DailyWealth | December 11, 2008
At times like this, you must focus on value available per dollar invested. Right now, there's more value available per investment dollar than at any time since I was born. There are literally dozens of choices ranging from very good to superior. Never be afraid to buy when the odds are in your favor, no matter what your past performance has been.
DailyWealth | November 20, 2008
DailyWealth | November 15, 2008
Most stock investors don't even try to understand the businesses they're investing in. They buy a ticker symbol based on rumors and hype and hope it goes up. They're not really investing. They're gambling. So when stock prices fall, they get scared and sell, too. That's what makes the market really crash the way it has over the last few weeks.
DailyWealth | October 23, 2008
Without times of great financial turmoil, it's hard to make a lot of money in stocks. For most of 2007 and 2008, it was almost impossible to find stocks with the potential to rise 100%-500%. For value investors, it was downright demoralizing.
We need bad times to buy stocks cheaply enough to make us rich over the long term. That time is now.

DailyWealth | October 16, 2008
DailyWealth | September 20, 2008