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220 results found (22 pages)
This combination – incredibly cheap stock prices and incredibly high premiums in the options market – creates a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for smart investors. Right now, you can literally earn more than 50% on an annualized basis selling insurance on stocks that are trading near their liquidation value. You're selling insurance on a risk that doesn't exist.
DailyWealth | November 28, 2008
In about a year, we've moved from a period of complete complacency to absolute terror. Paradoxically – and this is hard for most people to understand – you want to be a buyer of equities when everyone else is panicking.
DailyWealth | November 13, 2008
Rick is a friend... and one of the world's top investors. His specialty is natural-resource investing. I know many of our readers own commodity-related investments. So when I read a recent interview my colleague Porter Stansberry conducted with Rick, I wanted to share a few of his insights here...
DailyWealth | October 30, 2008
DailyWealth | September 13, 2008
I'm certain the government will do whatever it takes to ensure Fannie and Freddie continue to operate – but that doesn't mean bailing out the shareholders...
DailyWealth | July 17, 2008
Looking at this portfolio, it's hard to imagine a higher-quality mix of stocks – and most of them are trading at once-in-a-decade low prices. Without the terrible problems in the mortgage and finance sectors, these values wouldn't be available.
DailyWealth | June 26, 2008
DailyWealth | April 19, 2008
Imagine trying to build $10 million oil and gas rigs when every five years, your rig has to become 10 times more efficient just to remain competitive. Thus, not only do the telecom-equipment firms face huge capital costs, they must also invest heavily in research and development. It's a miracle these companies ever make a profit.
DailyWealth | March 20, 2008
DailyWealth | March 8, 2008