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It was like an instruction manual for my money.
When I found this opportunity, it sounded too good to be true. But it checks out. I put as much of my money in as the government would allow. I suggest you do the same.
They don't teach finance in schools. If you don't teach them this knowledge, no one will.
When you buy the stock, you need to know its profits won't suddenly dry up. If they do, your investment's going to evaporate with them.
If your stock passes these two tests, then it's safer than 99% of all stocks in the world.
In today's essay, I'll show you how to invest in the stock market without paying any broker fees or commissions.
These coins are free of any government reporting requirements... and the government is unlikely to confiscate them.
If you're investing for high returns and are ignoring stocks that pay cash out to shareholders, you're missing the point.
They're safe. They are NOT going bankrupt. They are profitable. They pay dividends as high as 5% a year... and they have upside potential of 100% or 200%.
The old coin market was a bit like the diamond industry is today. To value it, you have to be an expert with a magnifying glass.