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220 results found (22 pages)
We are not going to have a crisis. We are in a crisis right now. Inflation is here.
DailyWealth | December 17, 2010
These ideas hold the allure of getting something for nothing. They are the siren song of living at the expense of your neighbor.
DailyWealth | December 16, 2010
Paper money is like many other types of idealized virtue that humans cannot attain. It's simply beyond human nature to avoid perdition.
DailyWealth | December 15, 2010
The ability to print money is always too powerful a temptation to resist – to paper over... to create money from thin air... to lie, cheat, and steal from the citizens via inflation.
DailyWealth | December 14, 2010
The combination of increasing global demand coupled with the Fed's quantitative easing makes a huge move higher in these commodities (and funds like the DBA) likely.
DailyWealth | November 27, 2010
U.S. politicians continue to stimulate consumption in the U.S., while most of the production to meet this demand comes from China. We borrow and spend. They produce and profit.
DailyWealth | October 15, 2010
While I'm a proponent of owning gold and silver bullion to protect yourself from a dollar crisis, there's another excellent way to get out of paper dollars and into productive, "real" assets. It's a long-held secret of the world's wealthiest people...
DailyWealth | September 25, 2010
In return for my rules, I'm going to take roughly half of whatever you make in the business, each year. Half seems fair, doesn't it? I think so.
DailyWealth | August 21, 2010
Only rarely in history have the world's largest and best corporations been for sale at lower prices.
DailyWealth | July 17, 2010
Investors will continue to seek safety in gold (and silver), pushing prices higher at a faster and faster pace until they see a serious and credible effort to bring the U.S. deficit under control. But that won't happen.
DailyWealth | May 22, 2010