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138 results found (14 pages)

I love investing in commodities that are trading near blown-out levels but have a bullish fundamental case going for them. In these cases, the downside risk is already beaten out of the commodity... but you have tremendous potential for upside gains.

DailyWealth | August 12, 2010
We've gone from dwindling reserves and plans to import gas... to boasting the world's second-largest hoard of the stuff, just after No. 1 Russia.
DailyWealth | July 31, 2010
The land rush is on. Men and equipment are flooding into the area. Big operators have hundreds of thousands of leased acres.
DailyWealth | July 29, 2010
Ask 10 analysts what this situation really is, and you'll get 10 different answers. But you can be sure that gold stocks are holding up extremely well while much of the commodity complex is weak.
DailyWealth | June 3, 2010
I expect this horrible accident will result in a ban on offshore drilling. I also expect it to provide a long-term tailwind to one of my favorite areas for investment...
DailyWealth | May 13, 2010
Your typical American can't even find India on a map. He believes the Chinese are evil job-stealers. He doesn't give a hoot what happens in South America. But he does read the newspaper...
DailyWealth | May 6, 2010
Securing sufficient, reliable energy sources is probably the single greatest factor in determining whether China continues its great rise. This makes reliable energy sources – like coal, oil, and natural gas – the most important assets in the world... assets China will spend whatever it takes to get.
DailyWealth | May 1, 2010
During the 2000s, this basin went from an interesting geologic formation to one of the largest natural gas fields in the United States. This sort of find produces incredible stock gains.
DailyWealth | April 30, 2010
Years and years of mistreating the golden goose has left its world-class oilfields in a sorry state of underproduction.
DailyWealth | April 10, 2010
Now, our job as resource investors is getting difficult. After such a big price surge, there are few bargains left in the commodity space. But there is one market that hasn't soared. It's just about the only one. I think it's nearly as cheap as it's ever going to get... and it think it presents a fantastic opportunity...
DailyWealth | April 8, 2010