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Editor's note: Over the last few months, we've shared timeless wisdom from our friend and colleague Mark Ford. He is a multimillionaire entrepreneur and educator who has practiced and taught every wealth idea worth knowing... and today's idea is no different. Below, Mark shares his easy, five-step plan to almost guarantee you a raise at work.

How to Force Your Boss to Give You a Raise

By Mark Ford, founder, The Palm Beach Research Group
Friday, September 25, 2015

Over the years, I've had the awkward duty of declining raises to dozens of employees.
Most of them simply sulked and disappeared. But a few of them took the experience as a wake-up call and fought back.
They didn't see themselves as losers, and they weren't going to let me view them that way, either.
If you get turned down for a raise, arguing with your boss won't do you any good.
But if you can take advantage of the situation by following the simple, five-step plan listed below, you may be surprised at how dramatically you can improve your future income...
1. Thank your boss.
Yes, thank him or her. If you didn't get the raise you wanted, there is a very good chance it's because you didn't deserve it. If you are like most people, this idea is going to be very hard to try on.
But if you spend some time thinking very objectively about your performance – asking yourself questions such as, "Was I always early?" "Did I stay late?" and "Was I always eager, energetic, and helpful?" – you will probably come to see your performance for what it was: less than stellar.
If you thank your boss for making you see the light, you'll shock him or her into paying attention to you. If you follow that up with some kind of modest pledge to do better, your boss will be watching for you to do so.
2. Come in earlier.
There is no more impressive way to show you are serious about your work than to get in earlier than you have been. A half-hour is enough. If you can, get in before your boss does. Get in earlier, and make sure your boss knows it.
3. Work harder.
However hard you've been working so far, it hasn't been enough to establish you as the No. 1 worker in your department. Getting in earlier and then paying complete and serious attention to your work will demonstrate your intent.
As time goes by, the extra time and energy you give your job will show up in higher-level skills, better knowledge, and – most probably – more money.
4. Get more training.
Take every chance you get to become better educated about your job. Take advantage of whatever programs your company offers.
If something comes up and your company doesn't want to pay for it, pay for it yourself. (As with working harder, you don't want to let your extra training go unnoticed.)
5. Help your boss plan your future.
After a few weeks as the "new" you, ask for an appointment with your boss. He or she may be afraid you are going to ask for a raise. Assure your boss that nothing is further from your mind.
When you get your boss alone, reconfirm your gratitude for the wake-up call, brief him or her on the changes and improvements you've made, and then ask what else he or she thinks you can do to move forward even faster.
Don't ask for anything in return. Make it seem as if job satisfaction is your only interest.
This is a radical approach.
95% of people who read this will never give it a try. You may be the exception. If you are, you will see dramatic results.
Your income will improve in six months or less – and it will keep improving thereafter.
Before you know it, you'll be at a whole new level. Just as important – or maybe more important – your job satisfaction will skyrocket.
You'll like your job better because you'll be better at it – and everyone around you will take notice, including your boss.
Mark Ford

Further Reading:

Your path to wealth must start somewhere. For many people, the path to long-term wealth starts in the workplace. You can read more useful tips from Mark on how to get a raise in this classic interview.
Earlier this month, Mark shared a practical plan to defeat the fear of failure. It worked for him, and it can work for you, too. Learn how here: Four Easy Steps to Banish Fear and Change Your Life, Today.

Market Notes


Today's chart shows one of our favorite investment concepts at work again: owning capital-efficient businesses.
Over the years, Stansberry Research founder Porter Stansberry has written dozens of essays on why you should focus on "capital-efficient" businesses. In short, capital-efficient businesses are capable of greatly increasing their earnings without spending much additional capital. Earlier this month, we showed you this powerful concept through homebuilder NVR. Some of Porter's other favorite examples are household names like Hershey, McDonald's, and Anheuser–Busch InBev.
Today, we're highlighting a capital-efficient juggernaut that has skyrocketed in recent years... video-game publisher Activision Blizzard.
Activision Blizzard is the world's largest interactive-gaming company. It publishes popular video-game franchises such as Guitar Hero, Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, and Diablo. And according to Porter, the company has "extraordinary capital efficiency." That's why he recommended it in his Investment Advisory back in October 2011.
As you can see below, Porter's recommendation has worked out well. His readers are up as much as 140%. And just yesterday, shares touched a new all-time high...

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